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    Diesel Infographics


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    Diesel Infographics
    Diesel Infographics
    Diesel Infographics

    Project Overview

    Project Type Illustration
    Company Diesel Technology Forum
    Year 2022



    Diesel Technology Forum (DTF), a non-profit organization dedicated to raising awareness about the importance of diesel engines, fuel and technology, contracted Celerate to create a series of infographics about clean diesel benefits. These graphics needed to pair snippets of content with visual representations, graphs and charts. They would need formatted for both print and social media posting. Due to the large number of statistics that would need to be visualized, it was important to generate a style that kept things engaging while remaining informative.


    To begin with, Celerate setup an expanded color palette for DTF that enabled greater flexibility with the infographic concepts. After gathering visual elements to be used as a starting point, the next step was to setup an initial infographic based on content provided by DTF. The feedback on this first graphic provided the necessary information to create a style and structure that best suited DTF’s needs. Over time, a visual and structural philosophy for the infographics began to take shape, which helped unify the style of the infographics and cut down on production time. The results were very successful and led to a long-lasting relationship with DTF, as well as many effective graphical marketing pieces.